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With: '; wq2 = '
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Please Re-enter a Number."); return; } if (tmpQty < 0) { alert("Please Do Not Order Negative Numbers of Food Items."); return; } if ((tmpQty * items[i].price) != (items[i].quantity * items[i].price)) { alert("Please Hit the Update Button and then Hit the Order Button Again."); return; } } if (0 > totalcost) { alert("The $" + cent(totalcost) + " Amount of Items You Ordered Is Below the 0 Minimum Order Amount."); return; } openPreOrderWin1(id); } function openPreOrderWin1(id,id2) { var wdt = 475; var sh = parent.document; if (callcent == 1) { if (!ordersubmit()) { return; } } if (id == -1) { sh.forms[0].method = 'post'; sh.forms[0].target = '_parent'; sh.forms[0].submit(); return; } if (id) { wdt += 25; } var jh = screen.availHeight; jh = jh - (jh / 8); jh = Math.round(jh); if (OrdWin2 && !OrdWin2.closed) { OrdWin2.close(); } OrdWin2 ="","preOrderWin","location=yes,toolbar=yes,menubar=yes,resizable=yes,scrollbars=yes,width=" + wdt + ",height=" + jh + ",screenX=20,screenY=0"); if (!id) { sh.forms[0].submit(); 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var test = 0, tmpQty = 0, itmlmt = 0, qtyObjCount = 0; if (id && popupless == 1) { return true; } if (n1m > 0 && callcent == 1 && callcomcent2 == 1 && sitecmnt == 0) { callcomcent1 = sh.forms[0].comments.value; } for (var i=1;i<=n1m;i++) { tmpQty = 0; if (n1m == 1) { tmpQty = parseInt(sh.forms[0].qty.value); } else { qtyObjCount = 0; for (var j=1; j <= sh.forms[0].elements.length-3; j++) { if (sh.forms[0].elements[j-1].name != "qty") { continue; } else { qtyObjCount++; if (qtyObjCount == i) { tmpQty = parseInt(sh.forms[0].elements[j-1].value); break; } } } } if (items[i].quantity == tmpQty) { continue; } test++; if (isNaN(tmpQty)) { tmpQty = 0; } else if (tmpQty < 0) { tmpQty = 0; } items[i].quantity = tmpQty; if (tmpQty == 0) { deleteitem(i); return; } if (id) { return true; } } if (test) { sveord(); update(); } } function decreaseitem(itemno) { for (i=1;i<=n1m;i++) { if (itemno == items[i].itemno) { if (items[i].quantity > 0) { items[i].quantity--; } else { items[i].quantity = 0; } } } displaymenuorder(); } function Item(i,d,d2,dd,p,c,q) { this.itemno = i; this.desc = d; this.desc2 = d; this.dsub = dd; this.price = p; this.code = c; this.quantity = q; } function mr_clean(desc) { var here, storage, caboose; var comma = '"'; if (desc.indexOf("^") >= 0) { for (var i = 0; i < desc.length; i++ ) { if (desc.indexOf("^") >= 0) { here = desc.indexOf("^"); storage = desc.substring(0,here); here += 1; caboose = desc.substring(here,desc.length); desc = "" + storage + comma + caboose; } else { break; } } } if (desc.indexOf("`") >= 0) { for (var i = 0; i < desc.length; i++ ) { if (desc.indexOf("`") >= 0) { here = desc.indexOf("`"); storage = desc.substring(0,here); here += 1; caboose = desc.substring(here,desc.length); desc = "" + storage + "'" + caboose; } else { break; } } } return desc; } function additem(itemno,d1,d2,dsub,price,code,slctqty) { var here, storage, caboose, desc, t1s = 0, comma = '"'; var desc; if (d1 >= 0) { desc = fds[d1][d2]; } else { desc = d2; } var desc2 = desc; desc = mr_clean(desc); var foundIt = false; var quantity; for (var i=1;i<=n1m;i++) { if (slctqty && slctqty > 0) { break; } if (desc == items[i].desc && itemno == items[i].itemno) { if (items[i].quantity >= 0) { items[i].quantity++; } else { items[i].quantity = 0; } foundIt = true; break; } } if (!foundIt) { if (!slctqty || slctqty == 0) { quantity = 1; } else { quantity = slctqty; } items[++n1m] = new Item(itemno,desc,desc2,dsub,price,code,quantity); } displaymenuorder(); sveord(); } function cent(amount) { var end, subamt; amount = amount - 0; amount = Math.round(amount*100)/100; var str = amount + ""; var decimalPoint = '.'; var c; end = str.indexOf ( decimalPoint); if (end != -1) { var tmp1 = amount * 100; tmp1 = Math.round(tmp1); tmp1 = tmp1 + ""; end = tmp1.indexOf(decimalPoint); if (end != -1) { tmp1 = tmp1.substring(0,end); tmp1 = tmp1 -0; } amount = tmp1 / 100; } subamt = "" + amount; if (amount < 1) { c = subamt.charAt(0); if (c == '.') { amount = "" + '0' + amount; } } return (amount == Math.floor(amount)) ? amount + '.00' : ( (amount*10 == Math.floor(amount*10)) ? amount + '0' : amount); 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We close in 7 hours 26 mins.
"; //a //b n2w += "PLEASE ALLOW 5 TO 10 DAYS FOR SHIPPING.

"; //c //d //e n2w += "" + weaccept1 + ".
"; if (newlook == 0 && rfrming == 0) { n2w += "
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" + i + "." + items[i].desc + "" + cent( (items[i].price * items[i].quantity) ) + "
Delivery Charge:" + cent(delchrg) + "
Total Cost (w/ taxes):$" + cent(totalcost + ((subtaxey * taxvar) - subtaxey) + delchrg) + "
"; if (callcent == 1 && sitecmnt == 0) { n2w += ""; } n2w += "
"; n2w += ""; n2w += ""; n2w += ""; n2w += "
"; n2w += ""; n2w += ""; n2w += "
"; n2w += ""; n2w += ""; n2w += ""; n2w += "PLEASE ALLOW 5 TO 10 DAYS FOR SHIPPING.

"; n2w += "" + weaccept1 + ".
"; n2w += ""; if (newlook == 0 && rfrming == 0) { n2w += "";; parent.document.write(n2w); parent.document.close(); } else { n2w += ""; document.getElementById('rfrme').innerHTML = n2w; openForm(); } return true; } function chameleon(k) { var sh = parent.document; if (k) { if (sh.forms[0].omegad.value == true) { sh.forms[0].alpha.checked = false; } } else { if (sh.forms[0].alpha.value == true) { sh.forms[0].omegad.checked = false; } } return true; } function deleteitem(id) { if (id + 1 == items.length) { items.length = id; } else { for (var i=id;i<=n1m;i++) { if (i != n1m) { items[i] = ''; items[i] = items[i+1]; } else { items.length = n1m; } } } n1m--; sveord(); update(); } function update() { var n2w = ''; var nu2 = navigator.userAgent; if (newlook == 0 && rfrming == 0) { n2w += ''; n2w += ""; if (franco == 0) { if (extracthru == 0) { n2w += ''; } else { if (nu2.indexOf("MSIE") != -1 && nu2.indexOf("Opera") == -1) { n2w += ''; } else { n2w += ''; } } } else { if (cthru == 0) { n2w += ''; } else { if (nu2.indexOf("MSIE") != -1 && nu2.indexOf("Opera") == -1) { n2w += ''; } else { n2w += ''; } } } } n2w += "

"; n2w += "
Updating Your Order
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" + fds[p1][3] + "
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" + fds[p1][3] + "
" + fds[p1][4] + "" + subyfx + " " + fds[p1][j+2] + " \"Add
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